4 thoughts on “2020双子生日贺

  1. My language is Spanish, not Chinese and not English, so I will use a translator to comment. I hope my comment makes sense! I have been following your works for a long time. It was love at first sight. I adore everything that I find in your beautiful blog. This drawing just brightened my day, I adore how sexy Saga looks (I think it’s Saga) with that woman’s dress and also Kanon’s expression.

    • Hola, gracias por tu respuesta. Estoy estudiendo Espanol, por eso puedes escribir en Espanol:)

  2. I forgot to mention the details you added in the backgrounds, on the scene. They are perfect! They are what I like most about your art.

  3. Hi Boxigarden!

    I really love your twincest tales, and all the scenes you create.
    I celebrate you are in this “twin mood”, althought I’m deeply in love with yours Saga & Shaka stories as well :).

    Thanks and greetings 🙂

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