11 thoughts on “学院派番外 亲家见面篇 2017沙加生日贺

  1. 太好玩了,服装也很有特色…现在竟然很期待看剩下三个人会怎样.两个双子相当于四个人,一个白羊是炸弹,应该会很热闹吧…

  2. Haha, this one is so crazy and funny! I love it! Shaka, Mu: enjoy life!
    And then the parents xD. Take it easy, men xD. You have so much to talk… You know I love the parents in Wild Academism ;).

    Take care, Boxi!

    • Thanks:) I was quite busy recently, did not login here so often anymore… glad to see comments:)

      Take care too!

  3. It has been very funny! Sometimes parents are geniouses when it comes to embarrassing their sons. But I envy Shaka…I want a couple of daddies like him!

  4. 哈哈哈哈笑的不行,完全木有猜到结局!!!

  5. 还以为只有本子里有,原来这里也放了,哈哈,感觉穆是全场唯一正常人,太欢乐了

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