9 thoughts on “番外3 穆 9岁篇

  1. Traduzir

    eu não entendi absolutamente NADA do que esta escrito.

    mas eu adoro *-*

    Shaka me parece mimado hahaha, e eu amo o fato de tudo dele ter elefantes *-*

    Mu me parece muito sério e responsável.
    Imagino ele exatamente assim.

    Eu e minha amiga Juliana ja desenvolvemos mil e um roteiros para entender tudo hahahaah

    cada vez que você posta algo é como uma peça de um quebra cabeça para nós. Afinal só vemos as imagens XD

    um beijão do Brazil ;***

    I did not understand ANYTHING that is written.

    but I like *-*

    Shaka seems spoiled hahaha, and I love the fact that everything he had elephants * – *

    Mu seems very serious and responsible.
    I imagine it exactly like that.

    I and my friend Juliana already developed thousand and scripts to understand everything hahahaah

    every time you put something is like a piece of a puzzle to us. After all we only see the pictures XD

    a big kiss Brazil; ***

    • Hey, thanks for the comment.

      Sorry that the context is in Chinese which causes lot difficulty for you n your friend.. but I found that your own way of understanding was actually very accurate to original story, which is magic:)

      I’m impressed if you consider it as a puzzle…XDDD

      Kiss received 🙂

    • Hey Amanda!

      I also started looking at the pictures, but slowly I developed a deeper relationship with the stories. I realized that I was able to understand many parts, although I didn’t know what the texts said.

      Then, a day came when I discovered that Google Translator for Android has an option that makes possible to translate text from images. Most of the times the translations are weird, but it gives a context to understand the stories.

      Once you read the translations from GT, you’ll realize that you understood a lot only by intuition :).

      Welcome to our international family.

        • I can understand a lot by the context. The pictures are great and we noticed very alert them.

          But I get this application * – *

          because I LOVE these comic books and me and my friend overjoyed when you post more .

  2. 原来穆和沙加这么早就认识了啊。沙加居然会紧张的哭起来,怎么这么可爱!


    • 沙加是怂,那时不过擦肩而过而已~


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