14 thoughts on “学院派 第39更

  1. 因为一个人爱上一座城的梗什么时候读起来都不厌呢!其实穆桑心里早已乐飞了吧,沿着拉链一样的天际线不知道飞到哪个外太空了… 那种因为自己的喜欢有人呼应的喜悦涨满身体马上就要爆炸的感觉……旧年马上过去了,祝柏大一切顺利!

  2. 預祝柏新年快樂!

  3. 大王为啥总在关键时刻如此逗比……不过他开心就好……



  4. 两情相悦的感觉好美妙…

    • 卡妙这个时候说什么米罗都会钻冰缝(外表最豁达的人其实内心最害羞……)

  5. 喂! I LOL’d at the figure skating peformance by Shaka. I think he made a triple axel jump and a Biellmann spin also xDDDD. I love the way he changes his expression at XY160 to hide his enthusiasm.

    I’m happy that finally Mu can be at peace with his feelings.

    SherkMilo Holmes was right ;).

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