12 thoughts on “学院派 第32更

      • 总觉得”你喜欢我什么”后面还有一句。。。”我改还不行吗”XDDD

      • 自从在地库酒吧碰到米罗,后来发现米罗跟踪去自己的课,卡妙对米罗的印象不可能浅,这么执着在眼前晃的人,是人也大概明白了。可惜唯一不明白的是米罗自己,所以神棍一推,卡妙一挑,米罗就连退路也没了:)


        • 原来这两个人都动心了。。。我还以为卡妙知道米罗是想跟他打架来的。。。不过我不介意他们在床上打,哈哈

  1. 哈哈哈哈,我猜中了!!!调皮的沙加!!!!


  2. 哦哦哦,可以想象卡妙清冷的声音说出那句话,杀伤力太大啦 > <

    • 卡妙的话断了米怂子的后路,妙哥也不是吃素的~


  3. Woooo! I was able to read and understand what Camus said! He was direct to the point. I suspect he knew about Milo’s feelings because Shaka warned him at the bar… and because somehow Camus also knew by himself.

    How cute is the scene at the stairs… ¿Are they waiting for the underground to be operative again?

    Mu feels melancholic… (?)

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