22 thoughts on “学院派 第23更

    • 隆爸来帮他运行李嘛~难道要宝贝一手抱大象一手提包再头顶箱子去挤地铁吗XD

  1. 啊啊啊,加隆出现的太不是时候了 >O< 临走话没说清楚,一整个假期都会心神不宁……不过这两只就再纠结一阵吧,捂嘴偷笑~

    • 临走话没说清楚,一整个假期都会心神不宁——说得真对呀,学生时代总是这样,有喜欢的人,觉得假期好长,没喜欢的人,回校好忧伤~

    • Mu told Milo how much he likes Shaka but he donno what to do coz Shaka is hard to understand. Then Milo encouraged him to follow the heart, do what a young man in love should do:)

      When Mu met Shaka in the corridor, they talking about meet again in dormitory before their presentation termin on 10th Jan. Then Kanon showed up when Shaka wanna say sth more important than presentation stuff…

  2. 我想看沙加一手提大象一手提包头顶箱子去挤地铁的样子,哈哈哈哈~反正纽约地铁里印度裔也很多,大家见怪不怪啦~


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