32 thoughts on “学院派 第40更 完结

  1. 啊啊啊!!!居然完结了!!!!



  2. 恭喜终结!

  3. 呵呵,真想不到故事是以火鍋來結尾的,不過還是要祝賀下happy ending的!

  4. 恭喜顺利完结!!带来好多感动和惊喜的故事。小细节什么的最可爱了~~喜欢这样生活化的他们。

  5. 眷恋一个城市,因为在那里遇见了爱情,有让你眷恋的人。唯独纽约,无论在这里是得到,还是失去爱,对这个城市的眷恋都只会愈加强烈,因为它的强大,冷漠。它的破损不堪的街道地铁,它的密不透风的大厦霓虹,经得住最恶劣的天灾与人祸的考验。穆和沙加的爱情之路,也要经得住考验。(这里的穆如果是留学生就更加应景了:)


  6. 最后的谢幕太有感啦!

  7. (柏兮先生、please forgive me for writing private correspondence)

    dear. Lau

    i think it might unsolicited,but i want to repaid you about your translating ep.34.
    though i’m not very good at either English or Chinese.
    however,i supposed that i could grasp the pervading meaning of this episode.

    M: you probably don’t understand ,but if i don’t face you sincerity,
    i will lose all my feeling.
    S: is the word “sincerity” means” relation ship without dressing”?
    M: don’t interrupt and make fun of me! let me finish my story!
    M: anyway,i had a dilemma before, i guessed i had to need a perfect timing to confess my love to you.
    but i don’t care about that now. because if i didn’t express you my feeling clearly,i would regret it for the rest of my life.
    even if you have any feeling about me,Shaka,i love you.
    M:don’t think you were not beaten because i confess my love to you.
    S:to become serious immediately.when did you fall in love with me?
    M:the first time we met,we got laid right away.have you forgotten it?
    S:oh,it is seem that there was such a thing .
    ML:as expected,you flirted with each other when you met first.
    my hunch proves right.no wonder you cause a buzz among them.
    M:Milo,it is worse than a beast that you eavesdrop on other’s talk.
    ML:you still have pretended that as if nothing had happened.
    S:well,have you got laid?
    ML:it’s already late! we change our shoes,and let’s go to a bar!
    S:i love one thousand times as much as you.
    M:N.Y. i love you.

    Please excuse my poor English.
    i hope you will guess my meaning(^^;).

    • I’m near to cry because of happiness right now. Tuzu, I thank you so much for your translation, because these days I couldn’t dedicate time to read/translate by myself (I’m tragically trapped under a mountain of exams and papers xD). I appreciate a lot the translation team work that we have here :D. We’re like a little family :P.

      • i’m glad that you understand my poor translating.
        thank you for saying a little family or a team.
        i feel we live in the same time.

        I am praying that you go over your task.Hang in there!

  8. I enjoyed a lot reading this story. I liked very much the plot and how funny it is. It also have its reflexive parts (and hidden parts), which made me think a lot. I’m glad that finally S&M, M&C, A&M and K&S remain together :D.

    I’ve said many times how much I like the drawings and that (the most of the times) they are understandable without reading the words, but I needed to say it one more time. You’re doing a great job, 柏兮. Keep doing it xD!

    I have learned to identify a lot of chinese characters :_D. And I feel I belong to a little community of readers. I wish I could interact more with other members, but first I need to understand better what all of you say in your comments xD. I’ll try, and I’ll be able to.

    I will also be able to win the battle against the forgotten captcha…
    (ง ͡°﹏ ͡°)ง.

    新年快乐! 猴年 (?). See you all next time!

    • Happy monkey year Lau! Good luck with your paper and exams! I know you must be busy those days, all the best~

  9. 好感動,好幸福。我生日前夕這個夜晚偶遇了這個故事。找回的似乎不僅是對SS的愛,也有小時候那份純真滿脹的戀愛心情。。而且,再過幾個月,我也要(第一次)去美國、重回校園了。這個故事令我不禁憧憬在那裡遇上美好的事情呢。謝謝作者!

  10. 呜呜今天整理房间的时候看到珍藏的,查了一下才发现竟然有个站。一口气把这篇看完了。太感动了,说不出来的感觉,一边是这些角色的美好,一边是忍不住在柏大的作品里回忆纽约感叹青春。(不好意思很久没在网络上留言了有点语无伦次)特别特别喜欢在地球两端互相思念的那个片段!也很喜欢中间关于艺术的讨论的片段!真的太喜欢了!

  11. 旷日持久的回复,从17年开始就陆陆续续在看柏大的创作,每次心情不好都会悄悄来看一遍学院派,不知道为什么这个作品总能让我找到自己的inner peace。

  12. Oh damn, it was a roller coaster of emotions! Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! When Mu confesses I almost choked (of happiness), and now this ending, it’s bittersweet, but I couldn’t help but smile… they are so beautiful together…

    My day was kinda lame, but I came across this story and now I am happy. I love ShaMu. Sad ShaMu, Happy ShaMu, it doesn’t matter to me.

    But I feel heartwarming with this one. I love love love it one thousand of times. Thank you for drawing it.

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