15 thoughts on “学院派 第36更

  1. “有了男朋友也不要忘記3P”。。。阿布這是公然鼓勵劈腿么?=。=
    看到史昂這一身行頭,估計打架沒人是他對手了,果然薑還是老的辣XD 這樣看來,穆從小是被老爸一手摔大的說。就算再來一局,估計也還是被老爸繼續摔倒(好可憐)

    • 因为年中组他们一直是三人行,算是跟年轻人传教吧(别当真)

  2. 谜底揭晓了。。。将来米罗得好好谢谢大王啊。。。

  3. 高马尾的穆桑!!!求侧面特写!!!

  4. 高马尾太戳红心了躺地……大王横在穆手臂上让我脑补了下公主抱,但是就穆的身手来看,我更偏爱扛米袋姿势(捂脸)

    • 你们都对高马尾这样敏感啊……穆扛米袋什么的,还可以单手半空旋转呢(大王陀螺)


  5. Woo, this part was so hard for me to understand xD. I think Shaka confesses what he said to the French guys the other night. I think he said openly that Milo was interested in Camus. So Camus spoke directly to Milo at the back street.

    Then I think Shaka is really drunk and he screams about Milo having a boyfriend? And then he talks about… Rhesus?! xD. Google Translator was weird at this part and I didn’t understand what Mu said at last.

    And… “Shion vs. Mu” reminded me to “Morpheus vs. Neo” scene at Matrix film <3. Ice skating touched my heart also :).

    • U r right about what Shaka did.

      He’s not drunk, he’s just like that…after Deathmask shouted “for Milo”, Shaka was murmuring his Indian thing…(hard to explain, like worship the Ganges monkey stuff XDDD)

      Hahaha Morpheus vs Neo! Suddenly the fight got virtually much cooler!

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