31 thoughts on “学院派 第22更

  1. 穆竟然變得如此不淡定,大王魅力竟然如此之大,哼哼哼~幸好來找穆的是米羅而不是大王,要是大王來找穆的話,二人鐵定要在圖書館滾地板了。

      • 米妙虽然启蒙晚,但不会像穆沙这样纠结战线超长,不然这故事是完结不了了==

    • 学院派里的穆其实心思很深啊,加上故事是从他的视角展开的,所以更让人觉得他各种纠结不淡定……但大学设定的目的即年少时代,二十岁人的想法和经验也该如此。



          • 咳咳,之前只是一時多愁善感替米羅的戀愛之路感到憂慮而已啦,於是很自然就心生憐憫了。但對於S屬性的讀者來說,喜愛就是等於要去多虐多折磨一下米羅。越是喜愛就越是想虐XD

    • Haha, some days ago I thought Shaka was a little bit ambidextrous because I saw him using -indistinctly- both hands to eat.

      So you find that readers perspective is interesting/curious/weird sometimes? xD.

      Wargghj, I forgot -agaaaain-to write the captcha @_@.

      • Ahm, I wrote this here because Google translator said you were talking about Mu being left-handed. If not… blame Google xD.

  2. 我又好想说,穆啊,上了他吧。。。得不到他的心,也要得到他的人,哈哈哈

  3. What happens to Mu on the last page? I’m worried :v. He needs a hug.

    Did he fall so in love that he can’t deal with his feelings?

    Is it related with something said during the conversation on the cafeteria?

    T_T detective mode activated.

    • You guessed right, Mu could not take his feeling towards Shaka anymore, it makes him anxious. Nothing happened in cafeteria, Milo was asking Shaka about a photograph hanging in his home the other night.

      Originally I assume Shaka is left-handed, Mu is normal. But I sometimes forgot the setting and randomly draw watch on their arms.. that causes the confusion..anyway, it’s my mistake to put watch on Mu’s right arm this time.

      • Please :), don’t consider the watch position as a mistake, many people wear the watch indistinctly on both hands (or use both hands without preference) depending on the task they are doing ;). Or just because they want to xD.

        Was Milo asking about the elephant picture in XY80?

        Has Mu told to Milo he’s in love with Shaka? Milo looks concerned about what he has heard.

        Keep working, you’re doing it right :D.

          • Ahhh, thanks! The Formula One circuit of Bahrein. I didn’t know this picture before (thanks for sharing knowledge). I like when photographers play with crazy perspective. Now I confess two things:

            1. When I “read” page 77 some days ago, I paid more attention to the mountain model on the right ;). Is it a mountain from China?

            2. I thought that, in the cafeteria, they were talking about the country of Bahrein ^////^.

            • The mountain is like a large Bonsai, mininature of mountain n trees on it:) (I draw this coz I self wanna one )

    • “Why all of u guys talking about me loving him?”
      “Do u know the feeling of loving someone so much, that I can’t live anymore.”

  4. 哈哈哈! 穆桑显然是中国后妈养出来的国男, 追白女(男), 各种别扭不自信, 要是美国长大的男孩子, 管你背景家庭有没有男朋友, 只要看准了喜欢, 直接就问: 我作你男朋友好不好?

  5. 你懂不懂喜欢一个人喜欢到不行的感觉?我快要死了……









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