24 thoughts on “学院派 第12更

  1. 沙发我坐了

      • 汗。。。竟然看错了,以为大王去莫斯科。。。还以为流浪是大王的爱好。。。穆这是真打算以现代标准情人的身分勾引俄罗斯美少女去了?

  2. 大王吃瘪的表情好少见O(∩_∩)O哈哈~

    • 吃瘪~哈哈哈好形象,因为自己尴尬只能转换话题……


  3. 停在了这里。。。相反的什么呢?

    • 竟然有专业人士在看……突然就觉得好紧张XD (都是我胡馅的东西,你别当真)

  4. Sorry if duplicated but I had problems posting before.

    xD google translator makes me LOL with the weird translation of your comments. I could only understand you were talking about Moscow O_o. I can’t understand this part of the story, so I’ll wait until the next, upload haha. By the way, Shaka has a nice room, full of things about painting, just like mine these days (I’m making a cosplay for this weekend).

    • U r so cute to read the comments… I also feel sad coz cannot help u to understand in an easy way. In this update Mu told Shaka that during Xmas holiday he will be a backpacker going Moscow, and Shaka was joking about him having affairs with Russian girls.. so Mu was inside upset coz he thought Shaka was a straight guy:)

      Btw, which cosplay charactor u r making?

      • I’m making Gourry Gabriev from Slayers. I can’t believe I made the sword of light by myself xD.

      • Finally I could post here xD. The e-mail has been sent. I have some problems with internet and posting comments these days.

  5. 为什么感觉大王想说的是,“就算没刮胡子我也会喜欢啊” ,可惜穆桑理解偏了= =#

    • 其实大王这样说,站在他的角度想想,是带着醋意的……(就是越这样担心,嘴上越要这么说)

    • 因为马内的这幅画的意象比较有趣,觉得更适合大王发挥~倒不是因为马内的画风XD

  6. 能遇到這個網站,真心覺得太好了(拭淚)

  7. 大碗岛的星期天午后!yoooooo~~~我在芝加哥看过原画~~~脑袋里浮现出大王在密歇根湖上捕三文鱼的场景,哈哈哈哈。


    • 是这个方向XDDD大王是学古典艺术的,但画出来的东西融合了现代风格,具体是怎样的,我也描述不出来……


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